The anatomy scan went great. The tech was in a good mood and even though Bun-Bun started out in breech position, she got him to move around and cooperate so she could check everything out. Was neat to see her navigate along and label things like "kidneys"..."diaphragm"..."4-ch heart" etc. I was just glad SHE could tell what she was looking at cos it was all greek to me ;)
Then near the VERY end of the scan she got to the goods and she told us she wouldn't tell us if she wasn't 100% sure and there it was...

Was cool near the end of the scan as he decided he would yawn a bit. So precious. Looking much more like a baby now!

We told my family and close friends right away, but Ryan wants to do the cake reveal over the weekend when we have his family over for dinner on Sunday. They will probably be SLIGHTLY disappointed only because his family is pretty much filled with boys haha.
Heart rate was 150 bpm and I have gained a total of 6 pounds, which they said is great and to keep doing what I'm doing. Yay!
We are just so happy that everything looked healthy and normal. We don't get another ultrasound I guess so really glad we got some great pics to last us til we meet him! The next appt is on Dec 27 for weigh-in, bp and urine. I feel like time may really start flying now haha.