So we FINALLY had our first OB appt and ultrasound. I was so anxious that it took the nurse quite a while to find an acceptable blood pressure reading ;)
In case no one has been through an appt like this, I will give the rundown cos it was all new to me...
Get to office, sit in waiting room forever
They call me back to have the "nurse talk" which is taking your weight, height, bp, pulse, family history and then going over lots of literature about the fetal screening/testing they do and when they do it, what to eat and not to eat, what meds are ok to take, the number to call if I have any problems or need to talk to someone, etc. This lasted a good 30 min.
Then she took me to the bathroom and I had to pee in a cup.
Back to the lobby with Ryan to wait for the ultrasound tech to get us. Takes forever haha.
She gets us and takes us to a nice room with a big screen on the wall opposite the examination table. Oh how nice...stirrups again ;) I only have to take off my clothes from the waist down (score!). She dims the lights in the room and then she shows me the transvaginal ultrasound probe (ahhhhhhhh!), but tells me only an inch or so goes in (whew haha). So she starts looking around and omg there it is! Bun-bun!
(Click image for larger)
I have NO idea the orientation Bun-bun hanging upside down inside me or is it standing right-side up or what? And the blob to the right of BB is the yolk sac, which they told me was the real cause of all my nausea. I had no idea. This is all so new to me!
At this point Ryan just goes "wooooooooooow" and I can tell he's kinda awestruck as am I. I mean the nausea and sore boobs were one thing, but to SEE it and know that it's REALLY there is something else. Kind of a "holy sh*t this is really happening" moment :)
We can SEE the heart just racing away and then she lets us hear it...amazing. 162 bpm, which seems crazy-fast to me, but she assures me it's ok. She didn't say if we were measuring normal or whatever, but she said we were right on track so I take that as a good sign. Then she proceeds to look at both ovaries, which look huge by comparison, but again I am not really sure what I'm looking at and am still just whoa.
She prints a ton of pics from the u/s machine and gives us the two above to take with us. I guess the rest go in my file for the Dr. when I see her next Thursday, Sep 22. And apparently she will do an u/s then so already looking forward to that.
Then I had to go back to the waiting room to wait for the lab to get me for the blood-letting haha. Wasn't so bad. And then I was FREE!!!!!!!!!!
I was a bit surprised I didn't have to do a co-pay at this appt? But I am guessing I'll get a bill? Not sure how that works. Guess I'll find out soon enough.
I just want everything to continue healthily and happily! I want this for everyone!!! I can't thank you all enough for being with me on this journey to motherhood.