Saturday, May 5, 2012

I'm alive!

Hi all...sorry I've been so MIA...this first week has been a rough one.

I'm not gonna type out the birth story yet, but basically...epidurals are awesome, but a third degree tear is NOT.  I lost a good liter of blood and it took them an hour to put me back together :(  The tear is healing well apparently, but getting my energy back from the blood loss has been a struggle.  The first night home I tried to do to much and didn't wake mom to get help and I had a mini-breakdown both physically and emotionally.  But I'm better each day and he really is a cutie. 

Ryan is still adjusting too.  He's doing really well I think, but right now he says he only likes him when he's sleeping ;)  I think that's a pretty normal sentiment.

My milk JUST came in today so we've been having to do formula in the meantime.  I just tried out my breast pump...WEIRD!  But I did manage to get some.  This is all soooooooooo alien to me, but I'm going with it.  Nothing like having your mom help you shove your nipple into your baby's mouth while your husband helps hold his little arms still ;)  So long modesty!

That's all I got for now, but will try to be better about communicating in the future...just might be really scarce for a bit longer ;)  Love you all! 

How is everyone else doing??