Friday, January 4, 2013

8 Months Old (or "mom fails to blog for 5 months")

This is proof that your mom is a slacker.  The last post here was the 3-month recap?  Ouch.  I blame Tumblr.  I HAVE been diligent about keeping that up-to-date with pictures on a weekly I'm not a total failure ;)

Let's see.  SO much has changed!

At 3 months I think you were still spending most of your time on your favorite toy...the mobile gym.  You would spend a good 30 minutes touching all the colorful, dangling figures above you.  You were motivated to roll over from back to front and then front to back. 

You went from sleeping 9pm-6am to 7am and since 4 months you have been sleeping 8pm-7am...we even managed to keep this up during the time change, although you were VERY grumpy the week before when we kept forcing you to stay awake later and later.

We got you on a great schedule around 3 months...wake, eat, play, nap, repeat every 3 hours.  You are still taking 4 naps per day, but SOME days you can go without that last one.  You have evolved from four 45-min naps to three 1-hr naps and one 1.5-2hr nap, which tends to be around mid-day.  You still sleep on your belly with your butt in the air, but sometimes I have caught you snoozing on your side and once *gasp* on your back.

We started solids right at 4 months.  You did NOT like the oatmeal cereal on its own (who could blame you!), but you took to everything else immediately.  Your first food was pureed yellow squash...then avocado...then sweet potatoes.  You LOVE frozen bananas.  You have also had carrots, peas, green beans and apples.
At 6 months we started letting you try feeding yourself with puffs.  You seem to favor your left hand for eating and are getting better and better all the time.  We've started giving you bits of whatever we're eating at dinner.  You do tend to stare longingly at our plates, even if you've just eaten.  I made you scrambled eggs the other night for the first time and boy did you gobble them right up!

You're getting better with your sippy cups of water, too.  We have been rotating three of them and you don't seem to have a preference, though you can't seem to figure out how to work the fourth one that has a straw.  We'll revisit it some other day.

You have certainly had your share of illness since daycare started.  I think you are just getting over cold #5.  You have had two ear infections...I wouldn't have known as you never complained, but the Dr. could tell.  You have had plenty of shots and your mom is terrible because she laughs when you make such an angry face once you feel the sting of the injection.  You are really the cutest even when upset.

You are growing like crazy.  At 6 months you weighed 19.5 8 months you weigh 21!  I thought this was huge, but really it's more like 60th percentile.  I am so anxious for your 9 month checkup.  I am always so proud sitting with you in the waiting room and I love how you charm all the nurses and the doctor.

What else...some milestones should be noted I suppose.  You started laughing right at 4 months.  It is THE best sound in the world.  Your giggle box has only continued to grow and your father and I love finding new ways to send you into hysterics.  You love when Dad tickles you...your armpits are particularly sensitive.  You also love when we cover you with a blanket and whisk it away moments later.  You love to be sung to and you love books even though you tend to get antsy for us to turn the page.

You have been exposed to TV some.  Your last feeding tends to coincide with Wheel Of Fortune and OMG you LOVE it!  You love letters and graphics.  You are enthralled when the 7-day forecast pops up during the news and you giggle anytime the screen goes black.

You started grabbing your feet at 4 months.

At 5 months you learned how to bounce in your jumperoo.  I caught you sleeping in it once and was shocked since you seem to only sleep in your crib.

Halloween coincided with hitting 6 months and we had so much fun.  We took you to a pumpkin patch...before we carved a face into our jackolantern we put YOU in it and you had a blast while I took 100 pictures.  We dressed you up as a little skeleton later.  The cutest skeleton ever I do believe ;)

6 months was a big learned to sit all on your own!  It also marked your very first tooth!  And then the second came in 2 weeks later, though we have yet to see a third.  This is also when mom and dad finally got brave enough to take you out to a restaurant.  It may have been 4pm as we didn't want it to be crowded.  It was funny because the only other people there at the time were other couples with babies, but you did great!  You did seem a bit bored so we had to take turns holding you, but it was good overall...though we haven't done it again since haha.  We also took you to the grocery store...ooh you really liked that!  So much to see!

7 months hit around Thanksgiving and you began commando crawling!  I couldn't believe it.  Here I thought I had so much more time before we needed to start babyproofing...not so much! You are not afraid to move around so we got a baby jail for you right away.  Of course, you'd rather go for our entertainment center, remotes and houseplants than your toys.  Silly boy.

You also started babbling at 7 months.  Lots of bababababa, but one day you shocked me by saying "ma ma," too bad it wasn't meant explicitly for me...I'll be patient ;)  I LOVE hearing you babble...unfortunately most of it is when you are a) tired or b) when you have something in your mouth.

Christmas came and you hit 8 months a week later.  Pretty sure you got all the toys you should need for a WHILE.  Trying to keep you unspoiled will surely be a challenge.  You got some clothes, but can always use more considering you are quickly outgrowing all your 9-month threads.  You have started enjoying standing on us or at the coffee table, but you are far from being able to balance on your own.

Some little things that make you are one squirmy kid.  When we carry you...ok when we TRY to carry you you are always trying to face forward...sometimes you whip around so quickly that you have hit me in the face on more than a couple occasions and OUCH!

You went through a phase where you would blow raspberries WHILE we were feeding glad that only lasted a couple weeks.  I prefer you EAT the carrots than make me wear them ;)

You haven't wanted a pacifier since 3 months.  We do give it to you sometimes since it makes you laugh and you like to put the whole thing in your mouth.  You use it pretty much every way other than the way it was intended.  Such a rebel.
So far you still love everyone you meet and charm the pants off them, though you definitely know who mommy and daddy are.  When we come to get you from daycare you have the BIGGEST grin on your face and your limbs start flailing about with excitement.  Makes us feel so blessed and special that you are ours.

The flipside of this is that we fear separation anxiety is just around the corner.  When we put you in your crib to nap or to go night-night you have started pulling the bumper down and looking fretful.  We just leave the room and luckily you still settle yourself.

Though we haven't established a bedtime routine your body seems locked into a serious circadian rhythm.  You get your last bottle around 7:45...we change you around 8...put on your sleep sack...I say "time for night-night" on our way to your room and you are out until 7.  I can't thank you enough for have spoiled us for sure in this regard.

OMG you LOVE bathtime.  It's the first thing we do when I get you home from daycare, "gonna wash that daycare outta your hair!" ♫  We get the actual washing bit over pretty quickly, but then I let you play with some toys and you go CRAZY splashing.  I could probably let you bathe in the tub alone, but you still seem to enjoy your inflatable ducky tub. 

You know your name and you seem to be able to tell from the way we say it if you're doing something good or bad ;)

If there is something you can see and is within your reach you want it and you want it now.

Right at 8 months you learned how to rock on your hands and knees and have started incorporating that kind of crawling though you still prefer commando at the moment, but we know it's only a matter of time before you are fast!  Not ready!

You have gotten so coordinated with your hands!  You have a toy I call the "magic bean machine" and you have learned how to take the beans and drop them in the curly-slide part and you are so delighted when it makes its way down so you can do it all over again.

Banging two objects together rhythmically is another activity you love.  I can already see you begging for a drum kit one day.

So here we are...8 months has flown by!  I cannot believe you'll be a whole year old in 4 months.  It boggles my mind to think I wasn't yet 5 months pregnant this time last year?!  Just amazing.  I can't make any promises, but I HOPE I will be better about updating here.