36-years-old, married and had our first child, Nolan, on 4/30/12. Just trying to get through this with humor and grace.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Crib Bedding
Mother-in-law just ordered this for us. Classic Pooh Together Time. Yippie! Hope it comes in SOON! We're putting the crib together tonight. Oh how our Friday nights have changed ;)
Monday, January 16, 2012
The nursery begins
Still have a TON to do, but we got the blah-white walls painted a nice, neutral taupe/beige on Saturday. It's Benjamin Moore Stone Hearth (984). My friend helped me paint, but even so, my back and calves are STILL reeling haha.
Ordered the Graco Stanton crib in black over the weekend along with a Sealy crib mattress. Hope to order the stroller today. Ahhhhhhhhh!


FYI that bookcase was Ryan's when he was little. We plan to paint it black(ish) to match the crib. Also have a 3-drawer dresser that was mine when I was little that we'll also be painting and using as the changing table, too. Eeek!
Have to figure out window treatments and crib bedding. Thinking of a gray-blue? Or maybe going with the teal and brown trend that is so popular at the moment? Guess will have to see what's out there. Oh and will be putting in a nice ceiling fan. Our whole house upstairs has 90s-dated brass fixtures at the moment...been slowly replacing them.
Ordered the Graco Stanton crib in black over the weekend along with a Sealy crib mattress. Hope to order the stroller today. Ahhhhhhhhh!
FYI that bookcase was Ryan's when he was little. We plan to paint it black(ish) to match the crib. Also have a 3-drawer dresser that was mine when I was little that we'll also be painting and using as the changing table, too. Eeek!
Have to figure out window treatments and crib bedding. Thinking of a gray-blue? Or maybe going with the teal and brown trend that is so popular at the moment? Guess will have to see what's out there. Oh and will be putting in a nice ceiling fan. Our whole house upstairs has 90s-dated brass fixtures at the moment...been slowly replacing them.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Baby Transportation and Digs
Ok so I have obsessed and obsessed and researched til I'm blue in the face, but I think I have FINALLY figured out how the heck we're gonna get this little boy around town for the first 55 lbs of his life...
The plan is to get an infant car seat and 2 bases to go with a snap 'n go frame for the first 3 months. We are leaning heavily toward a Graco SnugRide 35 and the Graco SnugRider frame:

After those first few months, the plan would be to move on to a stroller that will be *the* stroller throughout toddlerdom. Have heard so many moms say that while a travel system is very nice, it turns out to be a pain to lug around and sometimes you have to fuss with it with both hands. I wanted something that I could unfold with one hand...even do while holding baby.
After MUCH (OMG TOO MUCH) researching...I got it narrowed to the Baby Jogger City Mini and the Britax B-Agile. Once I had done that, I found this article and my decision was made...that and the reviews on Amazon were amazingly positive:
Britax B-Agile vs. Baby Jogger City Mini
So yeah...we have a $200 gift card to Sears from Ryan's grandmother so I'm pretty sure we'll be spending it very soon on the Britax B-Agile. I only wish it came in more colors. Right now they offer only black and red so we'll be doing black.

Whew...now only 1,465,983 more decisions to make o_0
At least the nursery will be painted this weekend. That's the plan anyway ;) Then we can start on furnishing. Pretty set on this crib so far...Graco Stanton:
The plan is to get an infant car seat and 2 bases to go with a snap 'n go frame for the first 3 months. We are leaning heavily toward a Graco SnugRide 35 and the Graco SnugRider frame:
After those first few months, the plan would be to move on to a stroller that will be *the* stroller throughout toddlerdom. Have heard so many moms say that while a travel system is very nice, it turns out to be a pain to lug around and sometimes you have to fuss with it with both hands. I wanted something that I could unfold with one hand...even do while holding baby.
After MUCH (OMG TOO MUCH) researching...I got it narrowed to the Baby Jogger City Mini and the Britax B-Agile. Once I had done that, I found this article and my decision was made...that and the reviews on Amazon were amazingly positive:
Britax B-Agile vs. Baby Jogger City Mini
So yeah...we have a $200 gift card to Sears from Ryan's grandmother so I'm pretty sure we'll be spending it very soon on the Britax B-Agile. I only wish it came in more colors. Right now they offer only black and red so we'll be doing black.
Whew...now only 1,465,983 more decisions to make o_0
At least the nursery will be painted this weekend. That's the plan anyway ;) Then we can start on furnishing. Pretty set on this crib so far...Graco Stanton:
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Baby Product Advice #5 (Courtney)
We've gone through a lot of strollers. Had a travel system, but the stroller that came with it didn't work well on the sidewalks, so we got rid of it. I used the snap and go all the time - I highly recommend it. I borrowed mine.
I got a BOB when Liam was a little over a year, and we still use it now. Great for all kinds of outings, including the beach. We also have an umbrella stroller - that's what we used for the mall/stores once Liam and James were out of the snap n go.
For babyseats, it's been a while so I'm sure Baby Bargains has updates, but I used Graco infant seats and Britax convertible seats. Now back to the Graco for big boy's booster.
Pack n play - we have the Graco. It's been great. We did use it downstairs while both kids were infants and of course use it on trips.
Diaper pails ... I wouldn't bother with one. We had a diaper champ and it just always smelled bad. I switched to a trash can with a lid and that has worked much better.
Exercise ball. If you don't already have one, it's helpful for pregnancy (comfortable for sitting) and for soothing the baby (sitting on it and bouncing while holding baby).
For equipment, we used the bouncy seat with both kids. They both loved it, and we loved it too. Liam slept in it on his first few nights home. James also loved the swing. We borrowed one because it's hard to know if your baby will like it. I think Liam would have liked a swing too, but we didn't even try him on one.
We also borrowed things like the exersaucer since they use them for such a short period. I definitely recommend borrowing things!
Speaking of using things for a short period - in hindsight, I wouldn't get a high chair. Neither of my kids would use one past 12 months - they sat at little tables at daycare, so they didn't want to use them at home. You could get a booster seat (there's one for traveling that comes with a tray that we borrowed and liked), which would take up less space.
For carriers, I used the baby bjorn, the hotsling, and the ergo. I liked them all at different stages. Liam loved the hotsling and it was a godsend for the early months - I actually used it until he was 18 months, then we got the Ergo. The hotsling is very easy to use if you have a kid that needs to be held all the time. James didn't like it, but he liked the Ergo, which he calls the "mommy backpack". I didn't use the Bjorn for all that long - a few months, but it was very helpful during those months.
Swaddling is great. I highly recommend it as well. It's hard to keep up with it for a spring baby since it gets hot, but it really works. Get some of those Aden and Anais blankets. They are my absolute favorite for swaddling. James still sleeps with those blankets as lovies, so nice and soft!
Good, comfortable rocker - I have an upholstered chair and rocking ottoman that is still indispensible from Oh Baby.
Backpack diaper bag (or something that your man will be ok to carry). It's actually great to have something hands-free like a back-pack when the kids get bigger. Backpacks are not as useful when you have to carry the kids in a backpack carrier though!
Random things I found helpful - cloth diapers for burp cloths and for putting on the changing table (saves you from having to change the cover all the time), sheet savers (snaps on top of the crib sheet if you have a super soaker kid so you don't have to change sheets in the middle of the night), Eddie Bauer pack n play sheets (softer than most), the Boppy - for nursing and just arm support, quilts for the floor.
I got a BOB when Liam was a little over a year, and we still use it now. Great for all kinds of outings, including the beach. We also have an umbrella stroller - that's what we used for the mall/stores once Liam and James were out of the snap n go.
For babyseats, it's been a while so I'm sure Baby Bargains has updates, but I used Graco infant seats and Britax convertible seats. Now back to the Graco for big boy's booster.
Pack n play - we have the Graco. It's been great. We did use it downstairs while both kids were infants and of course use it on trips.
Diaper pails ... I wouldn't bother with one. We had a diaper champ and it just always smelled bad. I switched to a trash can with a lid and that has worked much better.
Exercise ball. If you don't already have one, it's helpful for pregnancy (comfortable for sitting) and for soothing the baby (sitting on it and bouncing while holding baby).
For equipment, we used the bouncy seat with both kids. They both loved it, and we loved it too. Liam slept in it on his first few nights home. James also loved the swing. We borrowed one because it's hard to know if your baby will like it. I think Liam would have liked a swing too, but we didn't even try him on one.
We also borrowed things like the exersaucer since they use them for such a short period. I definitely recommend borrowing things!
Speaking of using things for a short period - in hindsight, I wouldn't get a high chair. Neither of my kids would use one past 12 months - they sat at little tables at daycare, so they didn't want to use them at home. You could get a booster seat (there's one for traveling that comes with a tray that we borrowed and liked), which would take up less space.
For carriers, I used the baby bjorn, the hotsling, and the ergo. I liked them all at different stages. Liam loved the hotsling and it was a godsend for the early months - I actually used it until he was 18 months, then we got the Ergo. The hotsling is very easy to use if you have a kid that needs to be held all the time. James didn't like it, but he liked the Ergo, which he calls the "mommy backpack". I didn't use the Bjorn for all that long - a few months, but it was very helpful during those months.
Swaddling is great. I highly recommend it as well. It's hard to keep up with it for a spring baby since it gets hot, but it really works. Get some of those Aden and Anais blankets. They are my absolute favorite for swaddling. James still sleeps with those blankets as lovies, so nice and soft!
Good, comfortable rocker - I have an upholstered chair and rocking ottoman that is still indispensible from Oh Baby.
Backpack diaper bag (or something that your man will be ok to carry). It's actually great to have something hands-free like a back-pack when the kids get bigger. Backpacks are not as useful when you have to carry the kids in a backpack carrier though!
Random things I found helpful - cloth diapers for burp cloths and for putting on the changing table (saves you from having to change the cover all the time), sheet savers (snaps on top of the crib sheet if you have a super soaker kid so you don't have to change sheets in the middle of the night), Eddie Bauer pack n play sheets (softer than most), the Boppy - for nursing and just arm support, quilts for the floor.
Baby Product Advice #4 (Susan)
We didn't have space for more than 1 stroller, so we got a bumbleride indie and strapped the car seat (Chicco KeyFit 30) in it until he could sit up in it on his own at about 4 months. The sidewalks in our neighborhood are awful, and the travel systems just don't have good enough tires. I jog with the indie now and love it. It has a narrower profile than the BOB. Again, space is always a premium! I will say that a snap and go would have been handy to take to the mall or Target - we didn't have anything lightweight to use until he was about 4 months old and I picked up a little umbrella stroller at a consignment sale for $10. Now I keep that in the car and we use it at stores.
Ok - all the equipment is very baby specific. We bought a bouncy seat (you are welcome to borrow it) because the swings were huge. But the I ended up borrowing a swing to see if he liked it. This was in the early days, when you think that if you just find the right appliance they'll stop crying. We hardly ever used it and I gave it back at about 3 months. The bouncy seat got used every day while I was taking a shower and while we ate dinner. It was a must have. I have the Bright Starts automatic bouncer. Ah, I can still hear that music playing when I think about it! Other people's babies would sleep in the bouncer, mine never did. Mine only slept in the Baby Bjorn during the day, which would be another recommendation. I have the Air model, which is more mesh fabric. Great for spring/summer babies. I also have a Moby wrap that you're welcome to borrow. I thought I'd really get into wrapping him up and wearing him, but it was just too much fabric and I was too hot. It did soothe him well though. Takes some practice - I practiced with a baby doll.
Pack and play- we have the Chicco one. It's at my mom's now so he can nap over there. Way too cumbersome to move back and forth. I borrowed another one and it's at my MIL's house. I never had much use for it. Our house is 1 story and very small, so it was in our living room and just became a place to put laundry or somewhere to put him for a second if I had to pee. I would imagine that in a two story house it would get more use as a diaper changing spot or a nap place. Again, mine never napped in the crib until he was 3 months old.
Practice swaddling. I've got the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD if you want to borrow. Swaddling blankets can be tricky. I actually had the most success with 2 cotton waffle weave blankets - nothing fancy. I've got a Swaddle Designs kind, a miracle blanket, a Woombie. You're welcome to try any of them in those early days and see what works before buying more. Lots of people have the Velcro kind, but for some reason I never got any of those. I can also show you the double swaddling technique that finally tamed my little Houdini - Kerry taught me. She's the best. I cried when she showed me how to do it!
My guy wasn't into pacifiers. We used the green ones that you can stick your finger into - I can't remember what they're called. That phase didn't last long.
Best toy for a baby - Manhattan Toy's Whoozit. Still plays with it now. He would stare at those black and white circles forever. Also there's this Sassy "photo album" with the infant toys at Target and it's got different black and white designs on each page. Best $5 spent on a toy! I honestly dont remember him paying much attention to other toys. At about 2 months or so, he would kind of like the little gym thing. We have the Fisher Price jungle one. Again - want to borrow?
(we're packing up to put our house on the market, so I'm totally cool with loaning all this stuff out for a while!)
I just asked Dave what we used all the time, and he said earplugs. He's right. [:)]
I got an upholstered chair and ottoman that rocked, rather than a glider with a wood frame. You will log more hours than you'll care to imagine in that chair, so get the most comfortable thing you can find. I got mine at Oh Baby which is closed now, but they have good ones at Smart Momma out on 70 - great store if you haven't been there yet.
Ok - all the equipment is very baby specific. We bought a bouncy seat (you are welcome to borrow it) because the swings were huge. But the I ended up borrowing a swing to see if he liked it. This was in the early days, when you think that if you just find the right appliance they'll stop crying. We hardly ever used it and I gave it back at about 3 months. The bouncy seat got used every day while I was taking a shower and while we ate dinner. It was a must have. I have the Bright Starts automatic bouncer. Ah, I can still hear that music playing when I think about it! Other people's babies would sleep in the bouncer, mine never did. Mine only slept in the Baby Bjorn during the day, which would be another recommendation. I have the Air model, which is more mesh fabric. Great for spring/summer babies. I also have a Moby wrap that you're welcome to borrow. I thought I'd really get into wrapping him up and wearing him, but it was just too much fabric and I was too hot. It did soothe him well though. Takes some practice - I practiced with a baby doll.
Pack and play- we have the Chicco one. It's at my mom's now so he can nap over there. Way too cumbersome to move back and forth. I borrowed another one and it's at my MIL's house. I never had much use for it. Our house is 1 story and very small, so it was in our living room and just became a place to put laundry or somewhere to put him for a second if I had to pee. I would imagine that in a two story house it would get more use as a diaper changing spot or a nap place. Again, mine never napped in the crib until he was 3 months old.
Practice swaddling. I've got the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD if you want to borrow. Swaddling blankets can be tricky. I actually had the most success with 2 cotton waffle weave blankets - nothing fancy. I've got a Swaddle Designs kind, a miracle blanket, a Woombie. You're welcome to try any of them in those early days and see what works before buying more. Lots of people have the Velcro kind, but for some reason I never got any of those. I can also show you the double swaddling technique that finally tamed my little Houdini - Kerry taught me. She's the best. I cried when she showed me how to do it!
My guy wasn't into pacifiers. We used the green ones that you can stick your finger into - I can't remember what they're called. That phase didn't last long.
Best toy for a baby - Manhattan Toy's Whoozit. Still plays with it now. He would stare at those black and white circles forever. Also there's this Sassy "photo album" with the infant toys at Target and it's got different black and white designs on each page. Best $5 spent on a toy! I honestly dont remember him paying much attention to other toys. At about 2 months or so, he would kind of like the little gym thing. We have the Fisher Price jungle one. Again - want to borrow?
(we're packing up to put our house on the market, so I'm totally cool with loaning all this stuff out for a while!)
I just asked Dave what we used all the time, and he said earplugs. He's right. [:)]
I got an upholstered chair and ottoman that rocked, rather than a glider with a wood frame. You will log more hours than you'll care to imagine in that chair, so get the most comfortable thing you can find. I got mine at Oh Baby which is closed now, but they have good ones at Smart Momma out on 70 - great store if you haven't been there yet.
Baby Product Advice #3 (Erin & friends)
For the lightweight stroller we went with a Maclauren. I read it's really nice. It's pricey for a lightweight stroller but I liked the storage space and it looks really sturdy like it'd last for another child. Monitor the Summer Touch monitor was rated really well. Plus you can add another camera so if you have #2 you can watch both kids at the same time. For the bouncer, pack n play, exersaucer, etc I did research and looked at other mommy blogs and chose what I chose because of what other people said. I decided not to go with a Diaper Genie because i'm not sure it's worth it. We'll just take the poopy diapers straight to the garage. I also didn't want a bumbo. I know some people swear by them but I'm also heard that some babies grow out of them really fast or I've heard of a lot of accidents with babies in them. For sleepers, I heard that the ones with zippers are great for the late night changing. Also, I did some research on laundry detergent. Dreft is what you hear the most but a lot of people/drs actually said it's not the best. You want a detergent that says free and clear or something. Anyway, here's what my friends said. Of course take what you want and discard other stuff. If you find out any other helpful information I'd love to hear it.
Friend 1: (She nursed but also pumped some. I'm hoping to nurse but I want to pump some as well which is why I registered for bottles.)
I would register for tons of bottles and nipples of all sizes (pick one brand, we used Dr. Brown's), a video baby monitor, nursing accessories (milk storage bags), something that plays music in the nursery and/or shines images on the ceiling, bumbo seat, swaddling blankets and the nap-sack type things that you wrap the baby in to swaddle them (they have velcro too, can't remember what they're called), thermometer (register for the kind you swipe across the forehead, the ear ones are terribly inaccurate), baby food maker (making your own food saves a ton of money)....that's all I can think of for now. I'll try to remember some other must-haves. Those are the basic things we couldn't live without. People might disagree with the video baby monitor but once you have one, you'll never go back. You can easily watch the baby's chest rise and fall, and you instantly feel better. I STILL roll over in bed, check the monitor and go back to sleep. Saves you from having to go into the bedroom several times a night to check on the baby. As far as the bumbo seat, that's what we've used up until now to feed London in. We didn't have to buy a high chair for a whole year. And yes, people will buy you clothes and toys anyway. Also, don't be bummed out when only a handful of items were bought on your registry and you get a whole bunch of crap you don't need LOL. I ended up returning about 5 blankets (I still have SEVERAL we don't use), several duplicate toys, etc. Where all are you registering?
Friend 2: She's pregnant with her 2nd child. She mainly nursed, not even sure if she pumped at all. For her first child she had a Chicco Key Fit Carseat and stroller. But for this 2nd she did more research and decided on the City Select Stroller. It's got lots of attachments so you can use whatever car seat and you can make it a double stroller. It is a REALLY nice stroller but it's way more money than we (or any of our family) has to spend. We decided to go for the Chicco and can always try to sell the stroller and go for the City stroller when/if we have #2.
Should I register for many toys/books/cds or do people usually get that stuff for you anyway? Same with clothes. How much should I actually register for?
I wouldn't overflow your registry with those items. However, I would register for some toys that attach to your car seat for them to stare at, as well as maybe the Sleep Sheep to go ($20) that can be attached to stroller/carseat that plays music/soothing noises. Also, you can register for some teether toys that they'll use in several months after birth just so you have them on hand since you never know when your kid will start teething. I know a lot of people love the Vulli Sofie Giraffe Teether and it's like $25 so it's a good item to have on the registry. People will buy you some clothes, but more than likely you are willing to spend your own money on clothes so I would keep clothes to a minimum. Maybe just do a couple sleeper packs (since they wear them all the time), onesie pack and do some bib/burp cloth packs since people might do a "feeding" gift and want to have those to go along with it. Also, I know some people really like the Sleep Sacks and they are costly so if you want to try some, then register for them so it's not out of your own pocket. You can have whomever is making the invites have a notation in their that a gift receipt is appreciated for easier returns if necessary. So if you get ugly clothes you didn't register for you have a way to return them!
Since I'm wanting to nurse, how many bottles should I register for? I'd like some because I'd like to pump some as well.
I didn't do the registering for bottles at all since I was planning on nursing and wanted people to buy other things that were more important to me on the registry. I ended up buying a triple pack of dr. brown's when he was 8-9 months and that was all I used. It was more than enough! Christy might be better at answering this question since she did more pumping and bottle feeding.
Are there specific medicines that you've found helpful that I should register for?
Children's Tylenol is always a good one, as well as Children's Ibuprofen. To me, the Mylicon didn't work as well as bicycling their legs or changing your diet (since breastfeeding you affect their gas levels). However, these meds generally aren't used for newborns, you find that you need them once they're 6 months plus.
Is a mobile necessary?
Absolutely not. I ended up registering for one, and received it. It was nice in that it gives them something to stare at while laying in the crib. Something to think about is, at what age are you putting them in their crib to sleep. Cause if it is when they're 2-3 months, mobile is handy. However, if it is not till they're 6-7 months (because they're sleeping in your room prior to then) then they can sit up in the crib on their own generally and that's when Wyatt broke his from pulling on it.
Finally, Diaper Genie or regular trash?
Diaper Genie is a total waste of money if you ask me. I know people that have them and they always complain about how it still smells and that more often they end up putting the stinky ones outside anyways. I am perfectly content having a bag in the garage to throw #2s in, especially since you'll be breastfeeding so the poops don't stink until they start solids. I would register for those 50 bag packs of powder scented bags (basically are small plastic bags that smell good) to have in your diaper bag. They come in handy for tying up soiled diapers when you're at someone's house to be polite. Also, it comes in handy for throwing in spit up on or wet clothes in when you're out so they don't stink up your diaper bag too.
My Advice
Energizer Rechargable Battery Station along with registering for AA, C, D rechargable battery packs. Check and see what kind of batteries the items you registered for require and then register for those size batteries. The rechargeable batteries are very expensive and it's nice to have them in order to avoid replacing them all the time on those favorite items (swings, bouncy seat) now and for future toys!
Register for any decor items that you absolutely want, any high end items, any items for future use that you want for future in order to use the completion discount on the remaining items on your registry! Babies R Us sends you a 20% off coupon after your due date in order to get any item left on your registry you want at a discount.
You already know my opinion on what I would have done with the stroller. I think that for most individuals a travel system by graco or chicco works for them. If you plan on just strolling the neighborhood versus running/rollerblading/hiking, you really don't need a jogging/all terrain stroller, but the travel system one works fine. If you plan on taking a lot of trips that require plane travel, or are planning on having kids father than 2-3 years apart, it might be a good thing to register for a lightweight stroller.
Nursing Cover. I never registered for one and I just used the flannel blankets to cover up. However, the nursing covers are nice in that you don't have to worry about it slipping off your shoulder since there's a strap on it. I'm sure your mom could make one easily too.
Digital Rectal Thermometer by Vick's. (it is designed to make sure that you don't insert more than appropriate into the rectum so don't worry that you'd shove it in too far) The only accurate way to take a child's temp till they're 18months + is rectal. When you call teh doctor's office cause your baby has a fever, the first thing they ask is if it was a rectal temp you took. If it isn't rectal, they assume it's not accurate till they test it rectal. I swear it isn't as bad as it sounds to do it. Wyatt doesn't even squirm to this day if I have to take his temp rectally, he just shifts when I first put it in, but it's done in 10 seconds (literally!).
Friend 1: (She nursed but also pumped some. I'm hoping to nurse but I want to pump some as well which is why I registered for bottles.)
I would register for tons of bottles and nipples of all sizes (pick one brand, we used Dr. Brown's), a video baby monitor, nursing accessories (milk storage bags), something that plays music in the nursery and/or shines images on the ceiling, bumbo seat, swaddling blankets and the nap-sack type things that you wrap the baby in to swaddle them (they have velcro too, can't remember what they're called), thermometer (register for the kind you swipe across the forehead, the ear ones are terribly inaccurate), baby food maker (making your own food saves a ton of money)....that's all I can think of for now. I'll try to remember some other must-haves. Those are the basic things we couldn't live without. People might disagree with the video baby monitor but once you have one, you'll never go back. You can easily watch the baby's chest rise and fall, and you instantly feel better. I STILL roll over in bed, check the monitor and go back to sleep. Saves you from having to go into the bedroom several times a night to check on the baby. As far as the bumbo seat, that's what we've used up until now to feed London in. We didn't have to buy a high chair for a whole year. And yes, people will buy you clothes and toys anyway. Also, don't be bummed out when only a handful of items were bought on your registry and you get a whole bunch of crap you don't need LOL. I ended up returning about 5 blankets (I still have SEVERAL we don't use), several duplicate toys, etc. Where all are you registering?
Friend 2: She's pregnant with her 2nd child. She mainly nursed, not even sure if she pumped at all. For her first child she had a Chicco Key Fit Carseat and stroller. But for this 2nd she did more research and decided on the City Select Stroller. It's got lots of attachments so you can use whatever car seat and you can make it a double stroller. It is a REALLY nice stroller but it's way more money than we (or any of our family) has to spend. We decided to go for the Chicco and can always try to sell the stroller and go for the City stroller when/if we have #2.
Should I register for many toys/books/cds or do people usually get that stuff for you anyway? Same with clothes. How much should I actually register for?
I wouldn't overflow your registry with those items. However, I would register for some toys that attach to your car seat for them to stare at, as well as maybe the Sleep Sheep to go ($20) that can be attached to stroller/carseat that plays music/soothing noises. Also, you can register for some teether toys that they'll use in several months after birth just so you have them on hand since you never know when your kid will start teething. I know a lot of people love the Vulli Sofie Giraffe Teether and it's like $25 so it's a good item to have on the registry. People will buy you some clothes, but more than likely you are willing to spend your own money on clothes so I would keep clothes to a minimum. Maybe just do a couple sleeper packs (since they wear them all the time), onesie pack and do some bib/burp cloth packs since people might do a "feeding" gift and want to have those to go along with it. Also, I know some people really like the Sleep Sacks and they are costly so if you want to try some, then register for them so it's not out of your own pocket. You can have whomever is making the invites have a notation in their that a gift receipt is appreciated for easier returns if necessary. So if you get ugly clothes you didn't register for you have a way to return them!
Since I'm wanting to nurse, how many bottles should I register for? I'd like some because I'd like to pump some as well.
I didn't do the registering for bottles at all since I was planning on nursing and wanted people to buy other things that were more important to me on the registry. I ended up buying a triple pack of dr. brown's when he was 8-9 months and that was all I used. It was more than enough! Christy might be better at answering this question since she did more pumping and bottle feeding.
Are there specific medicines that you've found helpful that I should register for?
Children's Tylenol is always a good one, as well as Children's Ibuprofen. To me, the Mylicon didn't work as well as bicycling their legs or changing your diet (since breastfeeding you affect their gas levels). However, these meds generally aren't used for newborns, you find that you need them once they're 6 months plus.
Is a mobile necessary?
Absolutely not. I ended up registering for one, and received it. It was nice in that it gives them something to stare at while laying in the crib. Something to think about is, at what age are you putting them in their crib to sleep. Cause if it is when they're 2-3 months, mobile is handy. However, if it is not till they're 6-7 months (because they're sleeping in your room prior to then) then they can sit up in the crib on their own generally and that's when Wyatt broke his from pulling on it.
Finally, Diaper Genie or regular trash?
Diaper Genie is a total waste of money if you ask me. I know people that have them and they always complain about how it still smells and that more often they end up putting the stinky ones outside anyways. I am perfectly content having a bag in the garage to throw #2s in, especially since you'll be breastfeeding so the poops don't stink until they start solids. I would register for those 50 bag packs of powder scented bags (basically are small plastic bags that smell good) to have in your diaper bag. They come in handy for tying up soiled diapers when you're at someone's house to be polite. Also, it comes in handy for throwing in spit up on or wet clothes in when you're out so they don't stink up your diaper bag too.
My Advice
Energizer Rechargable Battery Station along with registering for AA, C, D rechargable battery packs. Check and see what kind of batteries the items you registered for require and then register for those size batteries. The rechargeable batteries are very expensive and it's nice to have them in order to avoid replacing them all the time on those favorite items (swings, bouncy seat) now and for future toys!
Register for any decor items that you absolutely want, any high end items, any items for future use that you want for future in order to use the completion discount on the remaining items on your registry! Babies R Us sends you a 20% off coupon after your due date in order to get any item left on your registry you want at a discount.
You already know my opinion on what I would have done with the stroller. I think that for most individuals a travel system by graco or chicco works for them. If you plan on just strolling the neighborhood versus running/rollerblading/hiking, you really don't need a jogging/all terrain stroller, but the travel system one works fine. If you plan on taking a lot of trips that require plane travel, or are planning on having kids father than 2-3 years apart, it might be a good thing to register for a lightweight stroller.
Nursing Cover. I never registered for one and I just used the flannel blankets to cover up. However, the nursing covers are nice in that you don't have to worry about it slipping off your shoulder since there's a strap on it. I'm sure your mom could make one easily too.
Digital Rectal Thermometer by Vick's. (it is designed to make sure that you don't insert more than appropriate into the rectum so don't worry that you'd shove it in too far) The only accurate way to take a child's temp till they're 18months + is rectal. When you call teh doctor's office cause your baby has a fever, the first thing they ask is if it was a rectal temp you took. If it isn't rectal, they assume it's not accurate till they test it rectal. I swear it isn't as bad as it sounds to do it. Wyatt doesn't even squirm to this day if I have to take his temp rectally, he just shifts when I first put it in, but it's done in 10 seconds (literally!).
Baby Product Advice #2 (CJ)
You could go either way with the stroller. I ended up NOT going with the travel system, only because a friend gave us some gear & we didn't need the whole system. Snap N Go is nice, but you're going to eventually need a regular stroller. Long story short, you should probably just go with the travel system. You'll use it while baby is in the infant carrier & then you'll use it when he's big enough to sit in the stroller like a big boy. And that day will come FAST! :)
If you plan on doing any outside walking on anything other than a sidewalk, I would strongly suggest a jogger as well. You could prob pick one up on craigslist, though. I recommend getting one with a front wheel that pivots.
Also, other than the jogger, I would probably stick with a brand new travel system. Strollers and car seats can get pretty funky & I think you would be happier with one that's nice & clean.
Pack N Plays are really all the same. You will only use the bells & whistles "infant" set up for a short time. They are all pretty much identical in how they're made, so just pick a style you like. I would suggest the nice fuzzy velour type sheet for it & also consider the extra mattress (about 2 inches thick) if you think he’ll be sleeping in it on a fairly regular basis as he gets older (like if he’ll be sleeping in it at the beach, etc). The mattress that comes with it is pretty hard.
We didn’t use our swing much at all with Riley, but we used it a ton with Mason...I think just because he was #2 and I couldn’t hold him all day. You might want to consider getting a swing from craigslist since you may not use it much. Plus, it takes up a lot of space for something that I think is used more for subsequent kids. However, you should definitely register for one of those vibrating bouncy seats. We used that thing like crazy for both kids. It’s nice even with kid #1 because you can put the baby in the bouncer and stare at him while you eat, etc.
MUST MUST MUST get a playmat with the toys & lights & sound. You will use that thing like crazy! Get one new…lots of kids spit up on them. I would also recommend a bumbo seat. I know they are getting a bad wrap right now, but only because some moms are dumb & leave their kid in a bumbo on the kitchen counter & walk away. It’s great on the floor & you can get a tray so they can snack. Very cute & you could get it on craigslist….they wipe clean.
We had a diaper champ only because the diaper genie requires you buy the diaper genie bags. Diaper champ you can use a regular plastic shopping bag. Either way, it’s kinda gross. Good luck with that.
If you plan on doing any outside walking on anything other than a sidewalk, I would strongly suggest a jogger as well. You could prob pick one up on craigslist, though. I recommend getting one with a front wheel that pivots.
Also, other than the jogger, I would probably stick with a brand new travel system. Strollers and car seats can get pretty funky & I think you would be happier with one that's nice & clean.
Pack N Plays are really all the same. You will only use the bells & whistles "infant" set up for a short time. They are all pretty much identical in how they're made, so just pick a style you like. I would suggest the nice fuzzy velour type sheet for it & also consider the extra mattress (about 2 inches thick) if you think he’ll be sleeping in it on a fairly regular basis as he gets older (like if he’ll be sleeping in it at the beach, etc). The mattress that comes with it is pretty hard.
We didn’t use our swing much at all with Riley, but we used it a ton with Mason...I think just because he was #2 and I couldn’t hold him all day. You might want to consider getting a swing from craigslist since you may not use it much. Plus, it takes up a lot of space for something that I think is used more for subsequent kids. However, you should definitely register for one of those vibrating bouncy seats. We used that thing like crazy for both kids. It’s nice even with kid #1 because you can put the baby in the bouncer and stare at him while you eat, etc.
MUST MUST MUST get a playmat with the toys & lights & sound. You will use that thing like crazy! Get one new…lots of kids spit up on them. I would also recommend a bumbo seat. I know they are getting a bad wrap right now, but only because some moms are dumb & leave their kid in a bumbo on the kitchen counter & walk away. It’s great on the floor & you can get a tray so they can snack. Very cute & you could get it on craigslist….they wipe clean.
We had a diaper champ only because the diaper genie requires you buy the diaper genie bags. Diaper champ you can use a regular plastic shopping bag. Either way, it’s kinda gross. Good luck with that.
Baby Product Advice #1 (Kelly & Friends)
Must haves:
• The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD (do not need to own, but MUST watch, including the extra features!!!!!)
• Safe infant car seat with a base in each car (we have the Graco Snugride). Do not buy used--buy new to make sure it is safe.
• Bouncer with vibrations that is secure, light and easy to bounce & carry around the house (we have an older model of this Fisher Price Soothe & Play Bouncer)--only buy used if in very lightly used condition, otherwise buy new.
• Snap & Go stroller frame for your infant seat (I wish I'd had this with Kellyann--it will save your back/arms). We have the Maclaren Easy Traveller one, and I recommend it because it is light & folds up small & has a big basket--ignore the negative Target review b/c we have a Graco Snugride & it works great with it). Buy used if you can. Saw one on craigslist the other day: http://raleigh.craigslist.org/bab/1423468902.html
• Open top swing with high speed that can recline (we have one similar to this one). Buy used because you can get for like $15-20.
• Maclaren brand umbrella stroller (No other brands compare--we have the Volo, but one that reclines like the Triumph or Quest would allow you to use it when the baby is younger--I have heard the Volo's seat is the most comfortable for older children though). Buy used if in good condition.
• Bumkin Super Bibs (You will never want to use any other bibs)
• Ultimate Crib Sheet (You don't need any other sheets or mattress pads--just get a 3-4 of these)
• Waterproof lap pads
• Baby carrier with good back support (I ended up really using two: the Baby Bjorn Carrier Active and the Ergo--I liked the Bjorn Active for early on because the baby is so close and can look up at you and then when they want to look out but can't walk yet, they can face out. The Ergo was better as the child got heavier and can be used for a long time and used on your hip, front & back). Baby Bjorn Synergy is a new product since I had one that is supposed to be a cooler (literally :)) version of the Active model, but I've never tried it. I've also heard good things about the Moby Wrap for young babies, but again, I've never tried one. Buy new or used.
• Boppy with several extra covers. Buy new because you don't know how clean a used pillow would be.
• Soft burp cloths (I liked the cheapest, plainest ones best of all the ones I got--Gerber Cloth Diapers (They were not the premium ones because the premium ones were too rough--I think the ones I liked were these))
• Head support(s)--we used one in the swing and one in the bouncer. My friend used one in her car seat too. My favorite is the Kiddopotamus Snuzzler. Buy used and wash them.
• Robeez brand or Target Ministar baby shoes for pre- and early-walking stages
• Hooter Hider, Udder Cover or other nursing shawl that has a peek-a-boo curve built into the top
• Good quality double electric breast pump--I highly recommend the Ameda Purely Yours Double Electric breast pump--I ordered mine through Nursing Mothers of Raleigh Buy new.
• Nursing pads--Disposable & not-disposable--my favorite disposables are Johnson & Johnson--these are the only ones that don't show under shirts for me
• Good quality nursing bras--I highly recommend going to the Lactation Station at Rex & getting fitted there. You need at least one or two really soft bras for when you are engorged and for sleeping and another one or two for everyday work, etc. My three bras I love are my Majamas Easy Bra, my Bravado Original Nursing Bra, and my Bravado Lifestyle Nursing Bra. There are probably other good ones, but I definitely recommend no underwires. Buy new.
• Soft onesies, snap-up diaper shirts & footed sleepers
• Infant bath tub (I recommend one with a hammock that comes off as they get bigger, kind of like this). Buy new or used.
• Contoured changing pad with multiple covers (we don't have a changing table--we just put ours on top of the dresser). Buy new or used.
• Exersaucer. Buy used because you can get them as cheap as $5 used.
• Pacifiers & pacifier ropes (we love MAM brand)
• Diapers & wipes (I recommend Pampers Swaddlers and Sensitive wipes for the early months)
• Diaper cream (I recommend Aquaphor Baby Ointment)
• Crib (I'd get a convertible one that goes to a bed if I had to buy one and one with as quiet & easy of a drop-side as possible). Buy new or used.
• Pack & Play (Get one that is easy to break down for travel--we also loved that ours had a tent that could attach to it for the beach and to hide us from view in hotel rooms as she got older). Buy used because you can get them really cheap.
• Hats (warm & sun hats)
• Booties with enough elastic to keep them on
• Swaddle blankets--We love our Kiddopotamus SwaddleMes and I've heard great things about the Miracle Blanket
• Soft blankets of all sizes
• Activity Gym mat (like this)
• High chair with sturdy chair & tray--Get one that is easy to wipe down the seat and the tray can fit in dishwasher! Some of my friends used travel high chairs on their chairs exclusively rather than getting a whole big high chair. We had both. Buy new or used.
• Travel booster (we used this when she was little and this as she got older). Buy new or used.
• Crib bumpers (we used the traditional ones when she was little and the mesh Crib Shield when she got older to prevent her climbing--just make sure they fit your crib style)
• Toys for baby (particularly recommend Sassy Me in the Mirror)
• Bottles (we used Browns)
• Bottle brush
• Bottle drying rack
• Bottle dishwasher basket
• Sippy cups (Nuby brand ones are a good first sippy cup)
• Comfortable nursing chair (I highly recommend a rocking recliner over a regular rocker or glider)
• Night light (we love this one)
• Dreft or other free & clear laundry detergent (I love the smell of Dreft though :))
• Baby clothes hangers
• Snack Traps
• Rubber tipped baby spoons
• Backpack or other diaper bag (remember the hospital and/or your doc will usually give you at least one free)
• Plastic links (lots of them!)
• Little Noses Saline Spray
• Baby body wash/shampoo (I LOVE this Method baby wash)
• Baby monitor with a battery option
• Back seat mirror
• Toy bar (we LOVED this one)
• Car seat protector (to go under the car seat to protect your car's seats)
• Digital thermometers (two--one for rectal only and one for underarm/mouth)
• Cool mist humidifier (we love the Crane brand ones)
• Stick-on car cling window sun shades like this (Much nicer/safer than the roll-up/down suction cup ones which we hated)
• Rear window sunshade (only if you have a sedan)
• Baby nail clippers (get ones with big grips for where you hold them because they are small! :))
• Diaper pail (I've heard good things about the Diaper Genie but you have to buy expensive refills--otherwise, just plan to empty any other one regularly--we have this one)
• Board books
Nice to have:
• Travel swing--nice to have in extra room
• Car seat strap covers (I recommend snaps over velcro)
• White noise machine (we love this Conair one)
• Jumper (door frame or other)
• Crib mobile (bold colors hold the baby's attention best)
• Graco Travel Lite crib (like a pack & play but smaller--we used this with the bassinet attachment exclusively by our bed for the first months)
• Microwave Steam Sterilizer (I have an older Avent one)
• Lovey (LOVE these baby cozies :))
• Babylegs (so cute!)
• Soft baby washcloths
• Soft hooded towels
• Jogging stroller
• Superyard XT (great versatile gate system)
• Kiddopottamus Tiny Diner Placemat
• Lullaby CD
Waste of money:
• Any other strollers than a snap & go infant seat frame and an umbrella stroller. We have barely used the stroller that matched our car seat--it's too big, bulky & just not as good as the other strollers. The only feature we preferred about it were the infant & parent trays. Consider trunk space when you purchase baby gear!!!
• Bumbo chair--total fad--baby hated it
• Shopping cart cover--too much trouble!
• Any rain or netting covers unless you'll be outside a ton
• Hooded bath robes
• The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD (do not need to own, but MUST watch, including the extra features!!!!!)
• Safe infant car seat with a base in each car (we have the Graco Snugride). Do not buy used--buy new to make sure it is safe.
• Bouncer with vibrations that is secure, light and easy to bounce & carry around the house (we have an older model of this Fisher Price Soothe & Play Bouncer)--only buy used if in very lightly used condition, otherwise buy new.
• Snap & Go stroller frame for your infant seat (I wish I'd had this with Kellyann--it will save your back/arms). We have the Maclaren Easy Traveller one, and I recommend it because it is light & folds up small & has a big basket--ignore the negative Target review b/c we have a Graco Snugride & it works great with it). Buy used if you can. Saw one on craigslist the other day: http://raleigh.craigslist.org/bab/1423468902.html
• Open top swing with high speed that can recline (we have one similar to this one). Buy used because you can get for like $15-20.
• Maclaren brand umbrella stroller (No other brands compare--we have the Volo, but one that reclines like the Triumph or Quest would allow you to use it when the baby is younger--I have heard the Volo's seat is the most comfortable for older children though). Buy used if in good condition.
• Bumkin Super Bibs (You will never want to use any other bibs)
• Ultimate Crib Sheet (You don't need any other sheets or mattress pads--just get a 3-4 of these)
• Waterproof lap pads
• Baby carrier with good back support (I ended up really using two: the Baby Bjorn Carrier Active and the Ergo--I liked the Bjorn Active for early on because the baby is so close and can look up at you and then when they want to look out but can't walk yet, they can face out. The Ergo was better as the child got heavier and can be used for a long time and used on your hip, front & back). Baby Bjorn Synergy is a new product since I had one that is supposed to be a cooler (literally :)) version of the Active model, but I've never tried it. I've also heard good things about the Moby Wrap for young babies, but again, I've never tried one. Buy new or used.
• Boppy with several extra covers. Buy new because you don't know how clean a used pillow would be.
• Soft burp cloths (I liked the cheapest, plainest ones best of all the ones I got--Gerber Cloth Diapers (They were not the premium ones because the premium ones were too rough--I think the ones I liked were these))
• Head support(s)--we used one in the swing and one in the bouncer. My friend used one in her car seat too. My favorite is the Kiddopotamus Snuzzler. Buy used and wash them.
• Robeez brand or Target Ministar baby shoes for pre- and early-walking stages
• Hooter Hider, Udder Cover or other nursing shawl that has a peek-a-boo curve built into the top
• Good quality double electric breast pump--I highly recommend the Ameda Purely Yours Double Electric breast pump--I ordered mine through Nursing Mothers of Raleigh Buy new.
• Nursing pads--Disposable & not-disposable--my favorite disposables are Johnson & Johnson--these are the only ones that don't show under shirts for me
• Good quality nursing bras--I highly recommend going to the Lactation Station at Rex & getting fitted there. You need at least one or two really soft bras for when you are engorged and for sleeping and another one or two for everyday work, etc. My three bras I love are my Majamas Easy Bra, my Bravado Original Nursing Bra, and my Bravado Lifestyle Nursing Bra. There are probably other good ones, but I definitely recommend no underwires. Buy new.
• Soft onesies, snap-up diaper shirts & footed sleepers
• Infant bath tub (I recommend one with a hammock that comes off as they get bigger, kind of like this). Buy new or used.
• Contoured changing pad with multiple covers (we don't have a changing table--we just put ours on top of the dresser). Buy new or used.
• Exersaucer. Buy used because you can get them as cheap as $5 used.
• Pacifiers & pacifier ropes (we love MAM brand)
• Diapers & wipes (I recommend Pampers Swaddlers and Sensitive wipes for the early months)
• Diaper cream (I recommend Aquaphor Baby Ointment)
• Crib (I'd get a convertible one that goes to a bed if I had to buy one and one with as quiet & easy of a drop-side as possible). Buy new or used.
• Pack & Play (Get one that is easy to break down for travel--we also loved that ours had a tent that could attach to it for the beach and to hide us from view in hotel rooms as she got older). Buy used because you can get them really cheap.
• Hats (warm & sun hats)
• Booties with enough elastic to keep them on
• Swaddle blankets--We love our Kiddopotamus SwaddleMes and I've heard great things about the Miracle Blanket
• Soft blankets of all sizes
• Activity Gym mat (like this)
• High chair with sturdy chair & tray--Get one that is easy to wipe down the seat and the tray can fit in dishwasher! Some of my friends used travel high chairs on their chairs exclusively rather than getting a whole big high chair. We had both. Buy new or used.
• Travel booster (we used this when she was little and this as she got older). Buy new or used.
• Crib bumpers (we used the traditional ones when she was little and the mesh Crib Shield when she got older to prevent her climbing--just make sure they fit your crib style)
• Toys for baby (particularly recommend Sassy Me in the Mirror)
• Bottles (we used Browns)
• Bottle brush
• Bottle drying rack
• Bottle dishwasher basket
• Sippy cups (Nuby brand ones are a good first sippy cup)
• Comfortable nursing chair (I highly recommend a rocking recliner over a regular rocker or glider)
• Night light (we love this one)
• Dreft or other free & clear laundry detergent (I love the smell of Dreft though :))
• Baby clothes hangers
• Snack Traps
• Rubber tipped baby spoons
• Backpack or other diaper bag (remember the hospital and/or your doc will usually give you at least one free)
• Plastic links (lots of them!)
• Little Noses Saline Spray
• Baby body wash/shampoo (I LOVE this Method baby wash)
• Baby monitor with a battery option
• Back seat mirror
• Toy bar (we LOVED this one)
• Car seat protector (to go under the car seat to protect your car's seats)
• Digital thermometers (two--one for rectal only and one for underarm/mouth)
• Cool mist humidifier (we love the Crane brand ones)
• Stick-on car cling window sun shades like this (Much nicer/safer than the roll-up/down suction cup ones which we hated)
• Rear window sunshade (only if you have a sedan)
• Baby nail clippers (get ones with big grips for where you hold them because they are small! :))
• Diaper pail (I've heard good things about the Diaper Genie but you have to buy expensive refills--otherwise, just plan to empty any other one regularly--we have this one)
• Board books
Nice to have:
• Travel swing--nice to have in extra room
• Car seat strap covers (I recommend snaps over velcro)
• White noise machine (we love this Conair one)
• Jumper (door frame or other)
• Crib mobile (bold colors hold the baby's attention best)
• Graco Travel Lite crib (like a pack & play but smaller--we used this with the bassinet attachment exclusively by our bed for the first months)
• Microwave Steam Sterilizer (I have an older Avent one)
• Lovey (LOVE these baby cozies :))
• Babylegs (so cute!)
• Soft baby washcloths
• Soft hooded towels
• Jogging stroller
• Superyard XT (great versatile gate system)
• Kiddopottamus Tiny Diner Placemat
• Lullaby CD
Waste of money:
• Any other strollers than a snap & go infant seat frame and an umbrella stroller. We have barely used the stroller that matched our car seat--it's too big, bulky & just not as good as the other strollers. The only feature we preferred about it were the infant & parent trays. Consider trunk space when you purchase baby gear!!!
• Bumbo chair--total fad--baby hated it
• Shopping cart cover--too much trouble!
• Any rain or netting covers unless you'll be outside a ton
• Hooded bath robes
Thursday, January 5, 2012
24 weeks = 6 months pregnant WHAT?!?!
Finally got brave enough to take a preggo pic so here it is!

Had an OB appointment this morning. I peed in a cup, they took my blood pressure...weighed and measured me. All is normal, though I have gained 13 lbs total, which is on the upper end of what I should have gained by now. I blame the holidays ;)
So from here on out I need to be just a little more conscious of the food choices I'm making. I can do that, right??
Bun-Bun's heart rate was a steady 145 bpm and is measuring on track. Sad I don't get any more ultrasounds *pouts*
Next appointment is Jan 30 for the glucose test. Will be almost 28 weeks at that appt. Time is FLYING!
Finally going with a friend to look at and start thinking about what I'll be needing to register for. Feeling VERY overwhelmed and clueless at the moment myself haha.
And FYI, heartburn is STILL a daily killer so I just take Zantac in the mornings. If I miss it, I'm miserable.
Had an OB appointment this morning. I peed in a cup, they took my blood pressure...weighed and measured me. All is normal, though I have gained 13 lbs total, which is on the upper end of what I should have gained by now. I blame the holidays ;)
So from here on out I need to be just a little more conscious of the food choices I'm making. I can do that, right??
Bun-Bun's heart rate was a steady 145 bpm and is measuring on track. Sad I don't get any more ultrasounds *pouts*
Next appointment is Jan 30 for the glucose test. Will be almost 28 weeks at that appt. Time is FLYING!
Finally going with a friend to look at and start thinking about what I'll be needing to register for. Feeling VERY overwhelmed and clueless at the moment myself haha.
And FYI, heartburn is STILL a daily killer so I just take Zantac in the mornings. If I miss it, I'm miserable.
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