For the lightweight stroller we went with a Maclauren. I read it's really nice. It's pricey for a lightweight stroller but I liked the storage space and it looks really sturdy like it'd last for another child. Monitor the Summer Touch monitor was rated really well. Plus you can add another camera so if you have #2 you can watch both kids at the same time. For the bouncer, pack n play, exersaucer, etc I did research and looked at other mommy blogs and chose what I chose because of what other people said. I decided not to go with a Diaper Genie because i'm not sure it's worth it. We'll just take the poopy diapers straight to the garage. I also didn't want a bumbo. I know some people swear by them but I'm also heard that some babies grow out of them really fast or I've heard of a lot of accidents with babies in them. For sleepers, I heard that the ones with zippers are great for the late night changing. Also, I did some research on laundry detergent. Dreft is what you hear the most but a lot of people/drs actually said it's not the best. You want a detergent that says free and clear or something. Anyway, here's what my friends said. Of course take what you want and discard other stuff. If you find out any other helpful information I'd love to hear it.
Friend 1: (She nursed but also pumped some. I'm hoping to nurse but I want to pump some as well which is why I registered for bottles.)
I would register for tons of bottles and nipples of all sizes (pick one brand, we used Dr. Brown's), a video baby monitor, nursing accessories (milk storage bags), something that plays music in the nursery and/or shines images on the ceiling, bumbo seat, swaddling blankets and the nap-sack type things that you wrap the baby in to swaddle them (they have velcro too, can't remember what they're called), thermometer (register for the kind you swipe across the forehead, the ear ones are terribly inaccurate), baby food maker (making your own food saves a ton of money)....that's all I can think of for now. I'll try to remember some other must-haves. Those are the basic things we couldn't live without. People might disagree with the video baby monitor but once you have one, you'll never go back. You can easily watch the baby's chest rise and fall, and you instantly feel better. I STILL roll over in bed, check the monitor and go back to sleep. Saves you from having to go into the bedroom several times a night to check on the baby. As far as the bumbo seat, that's what we've used up until now to feed London in. We didn't have to buy a high chair for a whole year. And yes, people will buy you clothes and toys anyway. Also, don't be bummed out when only a handful of items were bought on your registry and you get a whole bunch of crap you don't need LOL. I ended up returning about 5 blankets (I still have SEVERAL we don't use), several duplicate toys, etc. Where all are you registering?
Friend 2: She's pregnant with her 2nd child. She mainly nursed, not even sure if she pumped at all. For her first child she had a Chicco Key Fit Carseat and stroller. But for this 2nd she did more research and decided on the City Select Stroller. It's got lots of attachments so you can use whatever car seat and you can make it a double stroller. It is a REALLY nice stroller but it's way more money than we (or any of our family) has to spend. We decided to go for the Chicco and can always try to sell the stroller and go for the City stroller when/if we have #2.
Should I register for many toys/books/cds or do people usually get that stuff for you anyway? Same with clothes. How much should I actually register for?
I wouldn't overflow your registry with those items. However, I would register for some toys that attach to your car seat for them to stare at, as well as maybe the Sleep Sheep to go ($20) that can be attached to stroller/carseat that plays music/soothing noises. Also, you can register for some teether toys that they'll use in several months after birth just so you have them on hand since you never know when your kid will start teething. I know a lot of people love the Vulli Sofie Giraffe Teether and it's like $25 so it's a good item to have on the registry. People will buy you some clothes, but more than likely you are willing to spend your own money on clothes so I would keep clothes to a minimum. Maybe just do a couple sleeper packs (since they wear them all the time), onesie pack and do some bib/burp cloth packs since people might do a "feeding" gift and want to have those to go along with it. Also, I know some people really like the Sleep Sacks and they are costly so if you want to try some, then register for them so it's not out of your own pocket. You can have whomever is making the invites have a notation in their that a gift receipt is appreciated for easier returns if necessary. So if you get ugly clothes you didn't register for you have a way to return them!
Since I'm wanting to nurse, how many bottles should I register for? I'd like some because I'd like to pump some as well.
I didn't do the registering for bottles at all since I was planning on nursing and wanted people to buy other things that were more important to me on the registry. I ended up buying a triple pack of dr. brown's when he was 8-9 months and that was all I used. It was more than enough! Christy might be better at answering this question since she did more pumping and bottle feeding.
Are there specific medicines that you've found helpful that I should register for?
Children's Tylenol is always a good one, as well as Children's Ibuprofen. To me, the Mylicon didn't work as well as bicycling their legs or changing your diet (since breastfeeding you affect their gas levels). However, these meds generally aren't used for newborns, you find that you need them once they're 6 months plus.
Is a mobile necessary?
Absolutely not. I ended up registering for one, and received it. It was nice in that it gives them something to stare at while laying in the crib. Something to think about is, at what age are you putting them in their crib to sleep. Cause if it is when they're 2-3 months, mobile is handy. However, if it is not till they're 6-7 months (because they're sleeping in your room prior to then) then they can sit up in the crib on their own generally and that's when Wyatt broke his from pulling on it.
Finally, Diaper Genie or regular trash?
Diaper Genie is a total waste of money if you ask me. I know people that have them and they always complain about how it still smells and that more often they end up putting the stinky ones outside anyways. I am perfectly content having a bag in the garage to throw #2s in, especially since you'll be breastfeeding so the poops don't stink until they start solids. I would register for those 50 bag packs of powder scented bags (basically are small plastic bags that smell good) to have in your diaper bag. They come in handy for tying up soiled diapers when you're at someone's house to be polite. Also, it comes in handy for throwing in spit up on or wet clothes in when you're out so they don't stink up your diaper bag too.
My Advice
Energizer Rechargable Battery Station along with registering for AA, C, D rechargable battery packs. Check and see what kind of batteries the items you registered for require and then register for those size batteries. The rechargeable batteries are very expensive and it's nice to have them in order to avoid replacing them all the time on those favorite items (swings, bouncy seat) now and for future toys!
Register for any decor items that you absolutely want, any high end items, any items for future use that you want for future in order to use the completion discount on the remaining items on your registry! Babies R Us sends you a 20% off coupon after your due date in order to get any item left on your registry you want at a discount.
You already know my opinion on what I would have done with the stroller. I think that for most individuals a travel system by graco or chicco works for them. If you plan on just strolling the neighborhood versus running/rollerblading/hiking, you really don't need a jogging/all terrain stroller, but the travel system one works fine. If you plan on taking a lot of trips that require plane travel, or are planning on having kids father than 2-3 years apart, it might be a good thing to register for a lightweight stroller.
Nursing Cover. I never registered for one and I just used the flannel blankets to cover up. However, the nursing covers are nice in that you don't have to worry about it slipping off your shoulder since there's a strap on it. I'm sure your mom could make one easily too.
Digital Rectal Thermometer by Vick's. (it is designed to make sure that you don't insert more than appropriate into the rectum so don't worry that you'd shove it in too far) The only accurate way to take a child's temp till they're 18months + is rectal. When you call teh doctor's office cause your baby has a fever, the first thing they ask is if it was a rectal temp you took. If it isn't rectal, they assume it's not accurate till they test it rectal. I swear it isn't as bad as it sounds to do it. Wyatt doesn't even squirm to this day if I have to take his temp rectally, he just shifts when I first put it in, but it's done in 10 seconds (literally!).
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