Monday, February 27, 2012

OB appt (31w1d)

Had my 31 week OB appt Friday...and everything was good. Blood pressure normal, BB's heartrate was 128 (normal), belly/uterus measuring right on track and I'm up 25 lbs, which they said is also "normal" this rate I should be up ~35 lbs total at the end...should gain about a pound a week.

Not real happy about this as I had hoped 25 would be my max, but what can ya do? BB is sitting head-down, but of course he can still do flips right now, but they said this is also good. Now I will have bi-weekly appts for a bit (next one March 9) and then weekly. Ahhhhhhhhh! Time is FLYING!


  1. So glad everything is going well :D

    I have my next appointment on March 8th. And I agree.. time really is flying!! So exciting!!

    Nicola xx

  2. I just wish we didn't have to go through that whole L&D part haha
